TMDB alternative website to view live cinematic information and download movie torrents.


CINE project








Jan 2022 - present


Immerse yourself in the world of movies through my captivating cinematic information and torrent download website. My goal was to create a user-friendly platform where movie enthusiasts can effortlessly explore the latest movie updates and download torrents. By harnessing the power of the TMDB API for real-time movie data and the YTS API for torrent access, I meticulously designed and developed the website from scratch. With the enchanting combination of Next.js, I crafted an intuitive interface that enhances your overall experience, drawing you closer to the mesmerizing realm of cinema.


  • API integration
  • Server-side rendering
  • User Experience and Design

A key challenge I faced was implementing server-side rendering for movie pages to ensure their visibility and tracking by search engines. This involved optimizing the rendering process, utilizing Next.js, and synchronizing data with the TMDB API. By overcoming this challenge, I aimed to improve search engine visibility and enhance the discoverability of movies on the website.


  • Up-to-date data
  • Easy torrent downloading
  • Easy movie browsing

Users benefited from an up-to-date presentation of movie information, making it a reliable source for the latest details. The integration of the YTS API facilitated easy torrent downloading directly from the website. Additionally, the user-friendly interface enabled effortless browsing of movies, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.


This is my recent project, and I'm currently working on adding more features and improving the user experience. As a trainee in front-end web development, my focus is on working with different components and managing data flow throughout the app. React.js is a key technology in this project, as it helps me fetch data from various APIs to achieve the project's goals.

With many front-end developers and UI/UX designers honing their skills through cinematic design and development projects, I wanted to approach this project from a different perspective. By thinking outside the box and exploring new ideas, I aim to create a unique output that showcases my abilities as a front-end developer in a distinctive way



Cinematic websites

I studied many cinematic sources to inspire and how they maintain a good quality providing information to users. Websites like IMDB, TMDB, and one of the famous torrent sites such as were the main websites that I used to learn both of their features and UX.

What are the techs?


CINE is designed to be fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different device ratios. To ensure optimal user experiences, I dedicated significant effort to designing user interfaces and thoroughly testing them in Figma. Material design components and icons were utilized to enhance interactions and deliver a superior user experience.



Jelly Bean

Bay of Many


Deep Cove







In conclusion, the development of the cinematic information and torrent download website has been a rewarding journey. By integrating the TMDB and YTS APIs, I created a user-friendly platform with up-to-date movie information and seamless torrent downloads. This project has expanded my technical expertise and allowed me to approach cinematic design and development from a unique perspective. Looking ahead, I am dedicated to enhancing the website further, adding more features, and refining the user experience. This case study showcases the successful creation of a cinematic information and torrent download website while highlighting my commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in the field of web development.